Smart;- people
Register or donate now and stop wildfire & catastrophe destruction
Become part of smart future directed “First Responders Innovators” and
People & individuals with a success vision
Please note:- 1) On completion of your sponsorship; 2) You will be redirected to the registration page; 3) To provide your registration details
Donate now to empower fire-stations and emergency services
Build safe homes and buildings to:-
Reduce wildfire and catastrophe destruction
To sponsor your adopted fire station
- make your selection below;-
Scroll-down to see how you can win a:-
Win a once in a lifetime African Family Safari !
Your own amount
Bronze $17
Students & First/resp.
Silver $26
Public at large
Gold $58
Set yourself on an economic growth path where:-
You make the difference
When you adopt and sponsor a “Fire-station” :- To stop the destruction of wildfires and catastrophes, to build a better future
Special benefits you will enjoy
When you register, you stand a chance to win
> a once in a life time holiday
> And enjoy the benefits per sponsorship as below:-
Token support
$5 +
- Public
- Students & Volunteer First Responders (VFR)
- 1) Can adopt a Fire-station
- 2) African Family Safari innovation competition
- 3) Competition bonus points 10 addional
- 4) Community-Fire Captain:-Can act as Community-Fire Captain
- 5) Receive innovation development assistance.
- 6) License fee participation.
Students & VFR
- Public
- Students & Volunteer First Responders (VFR)
- 1) Can adopt a Fire-station
- 2) African Family Safari innovation competition
- 3) Competition bonus points 10 addional
- 4) Community-Fire Captain:-Can act as Community-Fire Captain
- 5) Receive innovation development assistance.
- 6) License fee participation.
Main support
- Public
- Students & Volunteer First Responders (VFR)
- 1) Can adopt a Fire-station
- 2) African Family Safari innovation competition
- 3) Competition bonus points 10 addional
- 4) Community-Fire Captain:-Can act as Community-Fire Captain
- 5) Receive innovation development assistance.
- 6) License fee participation.
Champion support
- Public
- Students & Volunteer First Responders (VFR)
- 1) Can adopt a Fire-station
- 2) African Family Safari innovation competition
- 3) Competition bonus points 10 addional
- 4) Community-Fire Captain:-Can act as Community-Fire Captain
- 5) Receive innovation development assistance.
- 6) License fee participation.
It is your sponsorship and leadership that make the difference & count to:-
Stop wildfire fury & destruction; build a strong safe and secure future
Time to enjoy an African Family Safari