My story and the message of my work:-
With a passion for the environment I can with pride say that today I am counted as a renowned South African photographer who is best known for my Nguni cattle, African landscapes and other animal images.
I was born in Vryheid and later went to live at a little German school ‘Braunschweig’ bordering the then Natal and Transvaal where my father was principal and my mother a teacher.
My father was always interested in Zulu culture and would photograph the local Zulus in their traditional regalia. My first language was Zulu and I grew up entrenched in the Zulu culture.
When I was not out riding, I spent time with my friends, hunting rock pigeons or fishing in the Pongolo river.
I later went to Durban High School and followed in my father’s footsteps as a teacher. I currently live in the Midlands in Kwa Zulu Natal and am married to Wendy and we have two sons.
I took up photography in my retirement and only began selling my photographs due to the overwhelming response people have had to my work.
My knowledge of the animals I photograph set me apart.
My Website:– http://www.edschroeder.co.za Email is: ed@edschroeder.co.za or phone me on +27 72 148 2458
This is one of my published and commissioned works
Click this photograph to download an extract the published work.
Below is a collection of my work:-
- You can enlarge the pictures by clicking on an individual picture.